This inspired us the last 30 days
February 2021
In the current context of the "new normal" (we promise: this is the first and also the last time we will use this term here) one would nearly forget that there actually is a reality besides curves and vaccination strategies.
We would like to share with you some of the things our colleagues have been inspired by over the last 30 days....
AI helps you count
Get your counting tasks done faster and easier with a bit of help from the computer vision engine. It gets feedback to annotate the ones they missed to even improve it further. This app is a great little tool for inventory, shipping, receiving, or manufacturing.
Hello domains, goodbye industries
In this briefing, MIT argues for a company mindset shift from a focus on industries to organizing around an emphasis on the fulfillment of customer needs. An interesting long read on the importance of domains.
Tenderness in times of Corona
Why not choose tenderness in uncertain times? Here’s a book about what it means to live in times when an unknown disease fundamentally changes your world…
Will capitalism survive Democrat takeover?
Gravity Payments CEO Dan Price gained recognition after he raised his company's minimum wage to $70,000, and lowered his wage from $1.1 million to $70,000
Former CKE Restaurants CEO Andy Puzder and him discuss capitalism under a Biden administration and Democrat House and Senate, income inequality and ‘good’ and ‘bad’ capitalists.
Agile covers many loads
This tweet triggered our attention. And more specifically, the attention of Erwin Glassée. The engineering manager who willingly lends himself to this experiment, identifies a number of typical agile "ceremonies", most of them derived from Scrum. But it lacks a number of core practices that are directly linked to the agile values and principles, such as the fact that planning is not a redundant luxury in agile work either. It is also striking that in the rows design, construction & testing not a single item is identified, not even something like design-by-contract. This is a practice that pre-dates agile, but is essential if you want to scale agile: not up-scaling the process (as SAFe does), but down-scaling the work by making a good-enough up-front architecture, and adjusting it as the teams get to know the domain, is essential when working with larger groups of developers.
The list he refers to is a blog article from 2009, in which almost all of these stickies can be linked to agile development with some good will.
He is certainly not alone in this. The experiment shows how 'Agile' has become a catch-all term in the minds of many managers, covering many loads.
Free range humans
“I was first working in retail. And after that I started working in the food industry. Traveling from my home (which was a box) in a little car (which was a box) to a little office (which was a box). That wasn’t living…” Discover the exceptional story of Roushanna Gray.