Interview with the CMO of Colruyt Group
It is extremely helpful if everyone in an organization speaks the same language. As Marketing Director of Colruyt Group, Jo Willemyns is well aware of the power of clear communication and transparency. Also when it comes to enterprise architecture.
This inspired us the last 30 days
In the current context of the "new normal" (promise: this is the first and also the last time we will use this term here) one would nearly forget that there actually is a reality besides curves and vaccination strategies. We would like to share with you some of the things our colleagues have been inspired by over the last 30 days....
How are we recruiting a Top Gun team?
The past year was all about the development of a solid team of enterprise architects. How do you do that in times of Corona? None of us had a tailor-made manual for that. Our recruiters Linsey, Tom and Sandra give insight into their approach.
Interview with the CIO of Colruyt Group
As CIO of Colruyt Group, Peter Vanbellingen is at the helm of the most significant digital transformation projects. He considers it a great progression that has been made: “The number of enterprise architects was always a bottleneck. Thanks to the growth of Myreas - they doubled in size in 2020 - we are able to ramp up the number of strategic initiatives.”
We ❤️ De Warmste Week at Myreas
This year's edition of De Warmste Week is all about initiatives where we have to be there for each other, especially when the going gets tough. After an internal survey among our colleagues, we arrived at Baby Nest.
Interview with the COO of Colruyt Group
"These last months, I'm living by the minute." When we speak to Marc Hofman in full corona crisis, every time slot in his virtual calendar is fully booked. Nevertheless, he gladly takes time to look back on the collaboration with Myreas over the past year, as it has been so decisive for the evolution of enterprise architecture within Colruyt Group.